Juntos Colorado is a regional chapter of the Local Government Hispanic Network (LGHN). In Spanish, "juntos" means together, and together, we want to make our Colorado chapter a thriving community of people dedicated to serving through local government, learning, and networking. And while this network was designed for the Latino community working in government organizations, that does not mean you have to be Latino to join. In fact, because we all work and serve the Latino community in Colorado, this is a great opportunity to make connections with others who are in similar roles across Colorado and even the nation. 

The purpose of the Local Government Hispanic Network is to encourage professional excellence among Hispanic/Latino local government administrators, to improve the management of local government, to provide unique resources to Hispanic local government executives and public managers, and to advance the goals of professional, effective, and ethical local government administration. The Network works with other organizations such as the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) which shares common goals. 

Benefits of becoming a member include: 

  • Leadership Development
  • Peer Mentorship (access to Madrinas y Padrinos Mentorship program)
  • Networking and Social Events
  • Conferences
  • Access to Job Board and New Opportunities 
  • Cultural Celebration 


Padrinos /Madrinas Coaching Program + Webinars + Career Compass


Juntos Somos Más conference

Brighton, Colorado
April 23, 2025



A regional chapter of the Local Government Hispanic Network.



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2025 JUNTOS Colorado
All Rights Reserved